Becoming Habitat

My dad used to have a badass ability that kind of drove me nuts, even as I envied it. Dude could melt into the scenery like nobody was there. I swear I spent days of my life just looking for him in the woods, and I would walk right by him over and over and […]

Acknowledging Sacred Place

How arrogant are we? Well, I’ll tell ya. We are so arrogant that we think we have to “create sacred space” before we do any magical working, when we are actually living on the body of a Living Goddess. Western Magical Tradition is bound up so tightly with the Christian idea of the separation of […]

Ugly Process, Beautiful Results

I’ve been reading and thinking about the Pyramids. You know the ones, pointy, crumbling, surrounded by desert, associated with dead kings and such, Yeah, those pyramids. Valley of the Kings type pyramids. Scientists, archaeologists, engineers, architects, mystics, Egyptologists, and crackpots have been trying to figure out for literally centuries, how they did that. How the […]

What Would Happen If …

What would happen if, instead of a boy, the Earth-Mother’s Solstice birthing produced a girl? I have a fuzzy idea of where that thought came from, but I don’t think it really matters. What matters is, what would happen if we ran the cycle of the year through cooperative, feminine power instead of dominating male […]

Normalize … Magic?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how the mystical, occult, eldritch, witchy, druidic, priestessy/goddessy, magical and strange have never really been accepted in the US.  I mean, first of all, way too many people in the US have come from overly puritanical and fear-mongering religious backgrounds, so anything outside that narrow and rigid band of […]

Experiencer Guided Visualization

Wow, based on some feedback from last week’s post, I have decided to do a guided visualization to help us all start flexing that Experiencer muscle!  It’s a little over 13 minutes (how witchy!) so do make sure you have the time and space to listen before you dig in. Please do listen back as […]

Observer, or Experiencer?

When you visualize yourself on your mind’s movie screen, are you simply watching yourself do things, or are you inside your body experiencing the world around you? This is important for your spiritual development. Which is it? Are you simply watching your, for want of a better word avatar, go through motions, or are you […]

The Song of Autumn

The Sun God stood in the tower at sunset and allowed melancholy to seep into his bones.  He was tired. So tired. It had been a long summer, and climate change was making his job so much harder. Trying to control the strength of storms and the intensity of light, trying to hold back the […]

Felt Sense

No, I’m not saying felt is sentient (though I have seen some smart felt), nor am I saying that felting is a sensible thing to do (although it is pretty cool).  Heartfelt thanks go out to my dear friend Lynn for putting these two words together in my ears. Felt. Sense. Felt sense. Here’s the […]

The Song of Alma*

I was born a harp for the One Mind Never have I wanted more – or less From Iowa’s womb was I birthed In rich black earth was I planted to grow tall and strong Soundbox, pillar, and harmonic cuve carved, shaped and smoothed by delicate and loving fingers But my tuning pegs were hammered […]